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Transfer logs can be viewed by visiting your website: do I add a new MIME type? In your htdocs subdirectory or any subdirectory thereof, you can create a file called .htaccess and place, among other things, AddType commands in it. The syntax for AddType is:How do I prevent remote users from getting a directory listing in my site?These examples indicate that any file ending with dat is a plain binary file (to be downloaded, not viewed on-screen), and that any file ending with pnm is a special image type (which most browsers will not recognize for display purposes at this time, unfortunately).AddType application/octet-stream dat AddType image/pnm pnm The easiest fix is to supply a index.html file in every directory. To create an empty index.html, use this command via Telnet:Return to Frequently Asked Questionstouch index.htmlOr you can upload any sort of index.html file you like, including one with a message for nosy users.
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